Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ground Turkey vs. Ground Beef: Who's the Boss?

My dad after finishing the Warrior Dash. He's pretty awesome.

My dad is an all-American man’s man, lover of sports, hunting, fishing and all other things manly. When it comes to food, Dad is a carnivore and the man loves himself some red meat. Eating with my pops growing up was always a delicious time; he and I would get down on burgers, steaks, roasts, meatloaf… if it mooed, we ate it!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Get the Whole Family Cooking with Flat Bread Pizzas!

Whipping up flat bread pizza is a quick and easy way to make some seriously satisfying chow. In this version, I used Stonefire Naan flat bread (I get them at Costco), topped the breads with just vegetables (didn't feel like cooking up any meat!) and used cheddar cheese, because it just so happened to be the only cheese I had in my frig that night. The best thing about creating your own mini-pizzas is you can use whatever toppings you like or just whatever you have on hand! Don't want to use flat bread? You can also use bagels, french bread cut in half, English muffins, croissants... whatever you like best will work!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

My Trashy Rainbow Fence

When I said my fence was "trashy" what I meant was...

I am a firm believer that one person’s junk can literally be another person’s treasure. I make driving through my neighborhood on garbage night a regular activity - and I'm not too proud to share that on the Internet! My husband and I live in a really cute suburban neighborhood and sometimes I just can't believe the stuff people throw out! Some of the furniture in my house that receives the most compliments by guests are items I have rescued from the side of the road. We garbage-pickers know that all you need is hot soapy water, some good spray paint or wood stain and you've got yourself a great looking and unique décor item that will be noticed by everyone (and it was free!)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Simple Spinach and Cheddar Quiche Using All ALDI Ingredients!

Looking for a great quality, low cost meal to serve during the week and impress the heck out of your family? Or how about a dish to take on your next brunch date to impress the heck out of your friends? Either way, we know you'll enjoy our Simple Spinach and Cheddar Quiche, which uses ingredients from ALDI, requires you to dirty only one bowl and tastes so good!

Why ALDI is the best grocery store ever. (Seriously!)

(Photo from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)

Grocery Store Research – That Busy Girl Attempts to Unlock the Mystery that is ALDI.

Last summer, my husband and I were fortunate enough to take a two week trip to Ireland. We certainly did our fair share of eating out but in order to stretch the budget, we also purchased some food at grocery stores. It was during our first grocery store experience in Dublin that I discovered something that surprised me – the grocery store was set up just like my local ALDI. In fact, all of the grocery stores we visited while touring Ireland were set up like my local ALDI. I doubted it was a coincidence, so when we got back to the states, I decided to dig a little deeper.