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According to statistics I found on the incredibly credible Internet, about half of all Americans will make a New Year's Resolution each year. Once the calendar flips to February, these same statistics show that half of us have already given up. So, let's do the math: If only half of Americans (50%) actually make a resolution in the first place and then another half (25%) quit pretty much immediately, that means about 75% of our countrymen slack off in the area of self-improvement. Not exactly impressive or encouraging.
But you, my dear, have the ability, the power and the fortitude to make a New Year's Resolution and actually KEEP it! How? I'm glad you asked...
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First, you must identify what it is that you want.
Make a list of things that you want. Maybe these are attributes you would like to change, habits you would like to quit, qualities you would like to add or establish. Write down what you dislike about your lifestyle. Take note of what you do like but would like to see more of.
Be honest with yourself - this list is just for you. Don't write something down if you don't truly feel compelled to. The most common resolutions people make are to lose weight, quit smoking, be better with money and to improve their love life. But maybe none of these categories fit you. Don't follow the trends; instead, follow your heart!
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Second, be sure it's realistic.
Take a good, long look at the list you just made. Which of these endeavors would you actually be willing to commit to? If you find you're trying to convince yourself into doing any of them, then just scratch that one off the list. That lingering doubt means this probably isn't a task you will stick with in the long run.
Look for the areas of passion on your list. Did you write anything down that you feel strongly about? Passion is powerful driving force; the stronger your emotions are toward a task is a good indicator that you will really follow through with it.
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Third, keep it simple.
Now that you've narrowed that list down to reality, make another sweeping pass by eliminating tasks that are just too complicated. Maybe you've resolved to read 20 books this year because you feel passionately about reading. But do you have the time in your schedule to make this happen? If what you've chosen seems out of reach, then it probably is.
Our lives as grown-ups are complicated and if the task you choose is out of reach due to time, money or other constraints, then don't even bother taking it on. Instead, look at your list for projects that spark your passion yet also err on the side of simplicity. See an activity that you have the time, finances and other resources to accomplish? Keep this one on as finalist.
The last component to keeping it simple is to choose only one, possibly two tasks to take on as your resolution. This will allow you to concentrate your focus and efforts towards it. The more you are able to give to your resolution, the greater your success with it will be.
Finally, stay strong!
Reaching your goals is not easy! So be wise about the resolution you have just made and set up strategies to ensure your success. Do you find you're more motivated when people hold you accountable? Then choose a task you can take on with a buddy or ask someone you trust to check in on your progress throughout the year. Do you allow doubts to creep into your head and discourage you from pressing on? Then develop a mantra of encouraging words to say to yourself when you feel like your confidence is slipping.
The best way to discover our strengths is to first recognize our weaknesses. If we are aware of the areas in which we are weak, we can then set up ways to support ourselves before the weakness is able to take over. Your success with this year's resolution is all up to you - you have the power to either make it happen or let it fall by the wayside.
I want to hear from you!
What are some New Year's Resolutions that you have had success with in the past?
How did you reach your goals?
What obstacles did you have to overcome?
Blair Clark
That Busy Girl
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