Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Half-Dozen Reasons Why EGGS Should Be On Your Plate

Eggs. These little guys have been misunderstood, under-appreciated and are all too often grossly mistreated by devious adolescent vandals. (Ever have anyone launch a few cartons at your house during Halloween? It smells TERRIBLE.)  

Just a few generations ago, people firmly believed that eggs were really bad for you due to their cholesterol levels. But the shell on that myth has been scrambled, my friends. Physicians have whisked through the dietary studies and now we find that eggs really can't be beat.

Okay, no more egg yolks, I mean jokes! Let's get cracking into my list here... (That was the last one! Promise!)

6 Reasons Why YOU Should be Eating Eggs!
Brought to you by That Busy Girl 
& some other really smart people.

Photo from rowdyradish.com

Reason #1: Eggs are just silly inexpensive.

Even if you spring for those really good fresh-off-the-farm eggs, you're still not likely to spend much more than $5.00 per dozen, which when broken down, only equals $0.42 an egg! But personally, I spend around $3.00 for a dozen of organic eggs that I can easily access right at my local grocery store. So each time I cook up an egg, it only cost me about $0.25 a pop.

Breakfast eggs: My Veggie-Full Omelet!

Reason #2: Eggs are super versatile.

As you noticed in the photos above, there are so many different ways to cook, prepare or serve eggs. (Check those recipes out, by the way.) The main methods are to scramble, fry, boil or poach eggs. But then within these categories you'll find several sub-categories; do you like your eggs light, fluffy, well, dense, wet, soft, runny, dry, hard, yolk up, or yolk-free? There are also countless dishes that eggs are a vital part of. Eggs are found in quiche, meatloaf, stuffing, frittata, pasta, just about any baked good... seriously, I could go all Bubba-Gump Shrimp on you with the list of meal-time possibilities eggs offer up. But I'll spare you the rant and instead leave you with a few mouth watering dishes from the awesome folks at Food 52.

Reason #3: Eggs are a LOW-Calorie choice.

If you're busy like me, you find yourself out and about, running errands and taking care of business miles from home when all of a sudden you're hungry, like right now. This is where eggs save my life...or at least my waist line! Instead of hitting the drive-thru while I'm out I try (key word is try) to plan ahead and pack a few hard boiled eggs for the road. According to LiveStrong.com one egg equates into only 80 calories. I typically pre-peel the shells and throw 2 eggs in a plastic baggie for the trip. If it's hot out, I just store them in my insulated lunch bag with a freezer pack and they stay really fresh. Two eggs combined equal about the same amount of calories as a granola bar, but I think they're much more satisfying. I eat those two little eggs and I am full.

Reason #4: Protein on the GO.

The protein found in eggs is such high-quality that it has become the standard to which protein found in other foods is measured by. Just one egg contains 6 grams of protein as long as you consume both the egg white and the yolk. WebMD tells us that women need about 46 grams of protein each day. So when I eat those two pre-packed hard boiled eggs as I'm out running errands, that means I'm also getting 25% of my daily protein intake. The fact that eggs are healthy and convenient is a huge bonus for Busy Ol' Me.

Reason #5: Carbs in eggs are barely even quantifiable.

Seriously, eggs have like no carbs; the amount is so small! A raw egg has only 0.73 grams of carbs, but since eating eggs raw is gross, spring for the extra added fraction of carbs and try them poached (0.76g carbs), fried (0.88g carbs) or hard-boiled (1.1g carbs). We're all painfully aware of how bad for our bikini-bodies excess carbohydrates can be. As I said before, when I eat just two little eggs, I'm pretty satisfied afterward - and I don't find myself reaching for more food again right away like I do after I fill up on carbs.

Reason #6: Gluten Free? Eggs got you covered.

Eggs are a naturally gluten free food. Although chickens may ingest products that include gluten, like barley or wheat, the gluten is broken down during the chicken's digestive processes and is not passed off into its eggs or even into any of its body tissues. Thank you, science, for clearing this matter up. 

Reason #7: Want six-pack abs? Add eggs to your regimen!

Unfortunately, consuming eggs alone will not yield that tone and sculpted look you crave. No, to get that six-pack you do actually have to work for it. But where eggs do come into play is inside your muscles. Eggs contain all 9 of the amino acids needed for the muscle recovery and growth that takes place after working out. So do your belly a favor; feed it eggs!

Okay, I realize that I said I had a half-dozen reasons why you should eat more eggs, but I just had to add that seventh one in there because, like most women, this Busy Girl also longs for a tummy that looks that perfect. While realistically I know my abdominals will probably never be that chiseled, I still resolve that no matter how hectic life becomes, I will try my best to eat as healthy as possible - and I've got eggs to help me keep that promise to myself and my family!

Got an eggs-tra-ordinary recipe you can't live without?

I would love to hear about it!

Share your stories (and photos if you have them!)
with me at

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Blair Clark is a wife, teacher, dog-mother, mentor, wanna-be-chef, recipe collector, crafter, painter, novice photographer, thrifter, writer, marriage ministry leader, Sunday school teacher and blogger. In short, she's a busy girl! Blair lives and blogs from the suburbs of Detroit with her handsome hubby and perfect Chocolate lab.

Brought to you by That Busy Girl!

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