Thursday, October 9, 2014

Muesli: Granola's Older, Sexier Brother

Can a breakfast cereal be sexy? Try it for yourself and see!

 I actually have no idea which is older, granola or muesli, I just thought that title sounded funny. But I do know that muesli was first created about 100 years ago, when a Swiss physician discovered the health benefits of consuming a diet rich in raw grains and fruit. During the health food craze of the 1960s, muesli popped up in the United States, but even today it still lives in the shadow of the ever-popular granola.

    As an admirer of oatmeal (my parents tell me it's the only thing I'd eat for breakfast during my preschool years) I fell in love with muesli immediately. For years I purchased it in the organic aisle of my local grocery store until I discovered how simple (and inexpensive!) it is to make at home. 

That Busy Girl in Rainy Galway!

    While on a trip to Ireland last summer, my husband and I stayed in a couple of just gorgeous and quaint bed & breakfasts while we traveled. B&B's were so much cheaper and better than staying in hotels and every morning we were served a scrumptious home cooked Irish breakfast! #bestthingever

Cathedrals of Cork City.

At breakfast, I noticed that every location we stayed at served muesli as the main cereal option. I asked one B&B owner where she purchased her muesli but she simply smiled, and in her adorable accent said, "Muesli's just oats and fruit, love. You don't buy it; you make it."
Ah. Of course!

Blarney Castle: It's Really Big!

   And muesli is just as simple as that: raw oats, dried fruit, nuts, cinnamon and whatever else you want to add to it. I usually don't make my muesli the same way every time and have enjoyed trying different combinations of ingredients. But what makes this cereal "sexy" as I called it, is how good you feel after eating it. Like, "Wow, I just put something really healthy into my body!" So maybe it's not the cereal that's sexy; maybe it's the people who eat it. genießen!

Ingredients needed:
  • 3 cups raw old-fashioned oats
  • 2 cups unsweetened bran flakes
  • 1 cup favorite granola (I use Nature's Path Pumpkin Flax, it includes flax seeds and pepitas, a.k.a. pumpkin seeds)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (Not enough? Add more!)
  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds, unsalted
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/4 cup dried dates, chopped
  • 1/8 cup raisins

*Keep in mind that the above ingredients are just what I happened to use the day I made this particular batch of muesli. There are SO MANY great items you could choose from! 
Other ingredients I suggest you experiment with are: dried figs, dried apricots, dried papaya, dried cherries, dried blueberries, roasted coconut, banana chips, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, wheatgerm, barley flakes, dash of nutmeg... what did I miss? Tweet me and fill me in on what you chose. (Seriously, do that.)

Create the Base: In a large bowl combine the oats, bran flakes and granola.

Add the Fun Stuff: Add the dried fruit, nuts and cinnamon.

And you're done! Fold together until all ingredients are evenly distributed and covered in cinnamon. Store in an air tight container for 7-10 days.

Yes, it’s that simple! 
Now go enjoy your cereal, you sexy eater-of-breakfast!

Got an amazing and healthy morning meal you enjoy?

I would love to hear about it!

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Blair Clark is a wife, teacher, dog-mother, mentor, wanna-be-chef, recipe collector, crafter, painter, novice photographer, thrifter, writer, marriage ministry leader, Sunday school teacher and blogger. In short, she's a busy girl! Blair lives and blogs from the suburbs of Detroit with her handsome hubby and perfect Chocolate lab.

Brought to you by That Busy Girl!

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