Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pumpkin Pocket Pies #Octoberismyfavoritecolor

I grew up LOVING pumpkin pie. Like, to an almost absurd extreme. My birthday is in July and instead of asking for a frosted cake like all of the other normal kids, I demanded pumpkin pie. With candles. At my birthday party. (No wonder my RSVP list was always so thin...)
In fact, I just turned 30 this past summer and when I told my mother I wanted pumpkin pie for the 25th consecutive year in a row, she sighed and asked when I would out-grow that request. To which I replied, "NEVER!"

We ride together, we die together. Pumpkin pie for life.

Now that I've got that Bad Boys reference out of the way, let's move on to these beautiful little babies...

While a big dish of pumpkin pie, or any pie really, is amazing all by itself, there's just something about a pocket pie that makes everybody happy. Maybe it's the pie's cute little shape. Maybe it's the delicious, crunchy glaze that coats the top. Or maybe it's the way you can carry it around and eat it with your hands and no one yells at you for bad manners. Whatever it is, pocket pies are just a yummy little single-serving of joy. You can fill a pocket pie with anything really; from sweet and fruity selections to savory and flavorful meats and veggies.

Pumpkin just happened to be the filling-of-choice for my most recent pocket pie escapades because after all, what goes better with #sweaterweather than pumpkin flavored deliciousness?

(For those of you who don't get my hashtags, please understand they're done in satirical fashion and mostly for my own amusement. If you're on Twitter, you get me.)

The following will yield 8 - 10 pocket pies. Enjoy!

Ingredients Needed:

Pie Filling:
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 eggs 
  • One 29-oz. can pumpkin purée
  • Two 12-oz. cans evaporated milk

Glaze (recipe from

  • 2 Tablespoons melted butter
  • 2 Tablespoons milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 to 2 & 1/4 cups powdered sugar (I know this seems like a lot of sugar but I assure you, you'll use it all and it will be AMAZING.)
Pie Crust:
  • 1 egg, beaten (used to seal crust and brush on top)
  • 2 to 3 boxes pre-rolled pie crusts (Each package should have two pie crusts. ONE pie crust will make TWO pocket pies. So each box purchased will yield FOUR pocket pies.)

Mix the pumpkin purée along with the other pie filling ingredients and pour the pumpkin mix into a deep 13x9 baking pan. Bake the pumpkin mix according to package directions.

*I ended up baking the mix about 5 - 8 minutes over what the package recommended. This was probably because the mixture is so much more dense when combined together in one pan than it would be if split apart into 2 pies. 

Just stick a toothpick or fork down into the center of the pumpkin. If it comes out relatively clean, then it's done.

After baking the pumpkin mix, let it cool almost completely before filling the pre-made pie crusts. I usually bake my filling in the morning, go about my day and then put the pocket pies together later in the afternoon.

Pre-heat your oven to the temperature recommended on the pie crust package. Mine suggested 425 degrees.

Unroll each pie crust and cut into halves.

Beat one egg in a separate bowl. Fill about half the surface area of the pie crust with a healthy mound of pie filling. Brush the egg along the edges (this will help to seal the crust as it bakes). Fold the pie crust over and press edges together with a fork to create a seam.

See that deliciously browned crust? 
THAT'S why we brush them in egg wash!

Brush the tops of each pie with a light coat of egg wash. Cut an X, or whatever design you choose, into the top of each pie. Grease a cookie sheet and place pies into your pre-heated oven. Bake for about 15 minutes and check pies for doneness. Continue to bake at 3 - 4 minute intervals until pie crust is done. When they're finished, place pies on a wire rack or other surface to cool.
*Remember that the pie filling is already cooked, so all you are doing is baking the crust. Check your crust often as it bakes to prevent over-cooking.

While the pies are baking, make your glaze. Like I said earlier, the ratio of powdered sugar to liquids seems ludicrous, but it will turn out to be just silly good.

Melt the butter and whisk in the milk and vanilla extract. Slowly whisk in the powdered sugar, about an 1/8 cup at a time. The amount of glaze will seem like a lot but no worries - we are going to brush copious amounts of it all over the pies. 

Generously brush the top of each pie with glaze, spreading it over the surface as evenly as possible. I placed my wire racks back on top of the cookie sheets to catch the drips.

Allow glaze to dry and harden completely before serving (Unless you just can't stand it. Then, by all means, dive in right away.) I left mine right on the cookie sheets, placed them in the frig UNCOVERED over night and they were absolutely perfect the next day.

Looking to make friends? Then share these pies with everyone you meet. 

Feeling unapologetically selfish? Keep 'em all to yourself. You don't owe nobody nothin'.

DO NOT actually put these pies in your pocket. 
I mean, you can try it, but you'll be pretty unhappy with the results.

Got an irresistible pumpkin recipe
 in your autumn repertoire?

I would love to hear about it!

Share your stories (and photos if you have them!) with me at

Email me!

Follow me on Twitter!    @thatbusygirl

Blair Clark is a wife, teacher, dog-mother, mentor, wanna-be-chef, recipe collector, crafter, painter, novice photographer, thrifter, writer, marriage ministry leader, Sunday school teacher and blogger. In short, she's a busy girl! Blair lives and blogs from the suburbs of Detroit with her handsome hubby and perfect Chocolate lab.

Brought to you by That Busy Girl!


  1. i hope Sibyl tries this recipe for me, and Bubba is one blessed guy

    1. Ha ha, thanks! He actually requested that we bring these to Thanksgiving so your belly will be blessed then, too! :)

  2. These look amazing! And seem pretty simple to make. YUM!!!

    1. Thanks, Ann! They are SUPER easy to make! I made up a bunch of these and gave them out to people at my church - and they were a hit! It's just taking the concept of "Plain Ol' Pumpkin Pie", putting a slightly new twist on it, and everybody raved like it was something brand new :)
