Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How to Make and KEEP Your New Year's Resolution!

Photo via TAC Photography

According to statistics I found on the incredibly credible Internet, about half of all Americans will make a New Year's Resolution each year. Once the calendar flips to February, these same statistics show that half of us have already given up. So, let's do the math: If only half of Americans (50%) actually make a resolution in the first place and then another half (25%) quit pretty much immediately, that means about 75% of our countrymen slack off in the area of self-improvement. Not exactly impressive or encouraging.

But you, my dear, have the ability, the power and the fortitude to make a New Year's Resolution and actually KEEP it! How? I'm glad you asked...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Have Yourself a Stress Free Little Christmas! Advice on Eliminating Holiday "Busy-ness"!

Merry Christmas To All!

Christmas is my favorite holiday! Which I realize is not original in the least, but still, I love it so much!

My Christmas wish for you this season is to have a stress-free, enjoyable holiday. Don't think it's possible? Whether it is or whether it isn't possible actually all depends on your choices. How do you want to reflect upon this year's holiday? Will you feel like a Christmas angel? Or are you going to Scrooge-It-Up? How you spend your holiday is all up to you, babe.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Venison Recipe - Grilled Backstrap Tenderloin Sandwiches

I grew up in northern Michigan and in my house, November means hunting season; deer to be exact. Pretty much all of the men in my family (and some of the ladies too!) go deer hunting and it is quite uncommon for them to come home empty handed. 

Recently, my husband took an interest in hunting and got his first deer over Thanksgiving weekend. This may have been my husband's first deer, but cooking and eating venison has been a tradition in my family for generations and I've got quite a repertoire of recipes. But my husband pointed out to me that venison is not a commonly prepared meat. So if there were a lot of men who brought home deer this season, that probably means there's also a lot of wives out there wondering what to do with it!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Handmade Holiday Burlap Wreath - REVAMP That Wreath You Made for Fall With a Few Easy Steps!

Each season I notice a few standout, popular DIY crafts that explode all over Pinterest and Instagram. This past fall I saw numerous posts and pins for handmade burlap wreaths. Now burlap things have never really been my style but each photo I posted of the burlap wreath was absolutely beautiful. So beautiful that I just had to make one myself! 

I was so happy with the way my wreath turned out and absolutely love looking at it every time I walk through the front door (which is where I chose to display it). In fact, I loved my wreath so much that when the seasons changed and Christmas music began to fill the air, I didn't want to take it down, even though I had decorated the wreath for fall. Lucky for me, I realized I could quickly and easily turn my Harvest wreath into a Christmas wreath - all it needed were a few simple adjustments!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

How to Make French Press Coffee: It's Science!

You guys. French press coffee is so good. It's frothy, smooth, rich, bold... it's just absolutely crazy delicious. And today I want to share with you how I make this amazing beverage every single morning.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thrift Store Shopping: Buying Designer Labels on a Budget

One way that I incorporate more designer labels into my wardrobe is by shopping at thrift stores. Unless I am looking for something specific that I need right away, like an outfit for an event this weekend, thrift store shopping never lets me down. As long as you've located a few good stores that have a high rate of quality items and a clean, organized set-up, then you've got an AWESOME way to add more of the styles you desire to your closet!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Minimize Time in the Kitchen: Stress Free Strategy #1 from That Busy Girl

In our American culture, women are busy. Busy being mothers, wives, career mavens, homemakers... women are busy just plain old taking care of business. 

When it comes to putting meals on the table, I like to keep a high standard and cooking for me and my husband used to STRESS ME OUT. Not only can preparing high quality meals get expensive, it can also be super time consuming. But after a few years of seeking advice from other wise busy women in my life, I've tried out (and sometimes failed at) creating a set of tips and tricks that allow me to simplify life WITHOUT compromising taste, nutrition or my sanity.

I calls these my Stress Free Strategies. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Crock Pot Curry Chicken & Quinoa #Dinner is Served!

Since first tasting Indian food at Ashoka, now one of my favorite restaurants in the Metro Detroit area, I have fallen DEEP in love with curry. This bright yellow spice is not only vibrant in color but also in flavor, giving each dish a savory, warm and comforting appeal.

Even though I have seen curry as a commonly sold spice, to me it just seemed so exotic and frankly, I was intimidated by it. But recently a friend of mine, who is an energetic Zumba instructor, made me a very simple chicken salad that BLEW MY MIND. Her secret? She coated the chicken in a light curry sauce that took this regular old salad to a whole new level of awesomeness. And do you know what she told me? She puts curry in EVERYTHING. 

So, of course, I had to rush right out and pick up a jar of curry powder for myself to experiment with at home. And guess what? Since buying and trying the spice in my kitchen, I've been putting curry on EVERYTHING. #GoFigure

Monday, November 10, 2014

Homemade Pizza Inspired by Bon Appétit Magazine!

Like most Americans, I LOVE pizza. As a kid, my grandma picked me up from school and almost everyday I would beg her to take me to this one particular party store that sold deep dish pizza by the slice. I was like, 8 years old and a regular at a shop where most customers went to grab a six-er.

I've spent a lifetime love, love, LOVING pizza, from the $5.00 Hot & Ready to the $50.00 Chicago deep dish (shout out to Pizza Papalis in Detroit!) But one beast I had never really felt comfortable with was the homemade pie. I had tried a variation of dough, sauces, techniques, temperatures and ingredients, but each time I made pizza from scratch it turned out just "okay". For all my time and effort, I really should have just ordered delivery.

But then my BFF, who is so in tune with my adoration for all things edible, got me a subscription to Bon Appétit magazine. October's issue was the PARTY issue and on the cover was this big, beautiful homemade pizza that made me say, "It WILL be mine, oh yes! This pizza will be MINE!"

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Caprese Salad Crostinis #Apps&Zerts

Canapé: (noun) /can-ah/pay/  An appetizer consisting of a piece of bread or toast or cracker topped with a savory spread

My husband’s older brother and sister both live in Chicago and when we were in college, he and I loved to take weekend trips to visit them in the big city. One of the things I loved about my future brother & sister-in-law is that they always took us out for really good food. There wasn’t a whole lot of culture or culinary choices in the small northern-Michigan town I grew up in, so whenever I got the chance to go to Chi-Town I wanted to taste everything.

The first caprese salad I encountered was during one such trip when big-sister Sarah introduced us to one of her favorite Italian restaurants, Mia Francesca. I was so impressed by how such a simple array of ingredients could offer so much flavor; the creamy mozzarella, sweet tomatoes and crisp, fresh basil was such a tasty combination – I could have just eaten that as my meal!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Butternut Squash Soup: Liquid Gourd Tastes Great!

"This soup tastes like Christmas!", exclaimed our friend, as we sat down to dinner that night. I had made up an entire batch of the soup just that morning and now my husband and I watched, amused and slightly shocked, as our dinner guest proceeded to eat ALL of it. I'm not exaggerating. An amount that should have lasted a couple of days had been consumed in one meal. 

"That is the best soup I have ever, ever had.", he said. And I sat there, experiencing a mixture of overwhelming pride in my work followed by the realization that my almost-two-hours worth of kitchen-slavery had been gulped down in less than twenty minutes. I felt like a little kid who told her friend, "Sure, I'll share my Snack Pack at lunch with you!" - only to find her friend has eaten the whole dang pudding cup! Do I revel in the joy I brought my friend or do I mourn the loss of my long-awaited treat? Catch-22, my friends, Catch-22...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Homemade Chicken Stock

Okay, so I admit it. Whenever I make chicken soup, or anything that needs a chicken-broth-like-substance, I typically reach for the bouillon. I know that you purists out there are going all judgie-mc-judgerson on that statement right now, but it's true. Bouillon is fake, I get it. But it's just so quick and easy! And, I mean, it's already right there in my cupboard.

Yet there are those days... you know the ones I mean. Those days when you're all chilly and sniffly and the wind outside is harsh and blustery and you need some hot, silky, rich chicken soup and nothing, nothing is going to cut it but the real deal. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Trail Mix Cookies

I have been baking oatmeal cookies for years now and slowly they have morphed from boring ol' oatmeal raisin to the masterpiece now set before you. By taking my tried-and-true oatmeal cookie recipe and adding something as simple (yet brilliant) as my favorite trail mix, I've created this bangin' little treat that'll make even the most decadent dessert self-conscious. #PossibleOverstatement 

I've made these cookies for parties, I've packed them up in cute little boxes and given them away as gifts, I've used the excuse that they're riddled with oatmeal then scarfed down 3 or 4 for breakfast. (Don't judge me. I said they're riddled with oatmeal people, what more do you want from me?)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Roasted Root Vegetables

This time of year, I like to make (and my husband enjoys eating) hearty and savory meat dishes. I've paired these meat dishes with all different types of sides and have found that roasted root vegetables comes up a winner every single time. Not only does this pan reflect the colors of fall, the vegetables used are also some of the most notable flavors of fall. Root vegetables, like carrots, sweet potatoes and parsnips, are best when enjoyed as warm and soothing dishes during the chilly, blustery autumn months. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pumpkin Pocket Pies #Octoberismyfavoritecolor

I grew up LOVING pumpkin pie. Like, to an almost absurd extreme. My birthday is in July and instead of asking for a frosted cake like all of the other normal kids, I demanded pumpkin pie. With candles. At my birthday party. (No wonder my RSVP list was always so thin...)
In fact, I just turned 30 this past summer and when I told my mother I wanted pumpkin pie for the 25th consecutive year in a row, she sighed and asked when I would out-grow that request. To which I replied, "NEVER!"

We ride together, we die together. Pumpkin pie for life.

Now that I've got that Bad Boys reference out of the way, let's move on to these beautiful little babies...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Unanswered Prayer: Why I Don’t Believe In It

Photo from ovuline.com

Yesterday was apparently National Baby Loss Day, which I didn’t even know existed until I saw a slew of posts on my Twitter account. Since I didn’t catch these posts until right before it was time to hit the sack, I had to wait until today to give my contribution. So forgive me for being late, but I too, have something to say.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The History of Pizza!

Pizza History

This week I'm hungry for pizza - probably because I'm calorie counting again, using the MyFitnessPal app on my phone to help me out. Since I've got pizza on the brain but am not willing to waste the calories on scarfing a slice, I figured I'd feed my brain instead. 

A Half-Dozen Reasons Why EGGS Should Be On Your Plate

Eggs. These little guys have been misunderstood, under-appreciated and are all too often grossly mistreated by devious adolescent vandals. (Ever have anyone launch a few cartons at your house during Halloween? It smells TERRIBLE.)  

Just a few generations ago, people firmly believed that eggs were really bad for you due to their cholesterol levels. But the shell on that myth has been scrambled, my friends. Physicians have whisked through the dietary studies and now we find that eggs really can't be beat.

Okay, no more egg yolks, I mean jokes! Let's get cracking into my list here... (That was the last one! Promise!)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Veggie-Full Omelet: GOOD Morning!

My favorite thing to order when going out for breakfast is a nice, big, fat omelet. Which I realize places me in a category along with millions of other breakfast goers. But regardless of my cliché choices, omelets are awesome! And it turns out, they're super easy and very inexpensive to make for yourself right at home.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Crock Pot Dinners: BBQ Chicken Thighs

That Busy Girl and some chicken thighs: A Love Story.

Oh, Chicken Thighs, how I love thee; let me count the ways... I love chicken thighs so much because they're inexpensive, have delicious flavor and are easy to prepare. I've cooked them several different ways but this recipe, by far, is the most simple and delicious! 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Muesli: Granola's Older, Sexier Brother

Can a breakfast cereal be sexy? Try it for yourself and see!

 I actually have no idea which is older, granola or muesli, I just thought that title sounded funny. But I do know that muesli was first created about 100 years ago, when a Swiss physician discovered the health benefits of consuming a diet rich in raw grains and fruit. During the health food craze of the 1960s, muesli popped up in the United States, but even today it still lives in the shadow of the ever-popular granola.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

How to Make a Burlap Wreath

The coveted burlap wreath! We've liked it on Facebook, we've followed it on Twitter, we certainly pinned the heck out of it on Pinterest and now That Busy Girl is bringing you her version. Hold on to your butts.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Italian Turkey Sausage Chili #awesomesauce

During the fall, making up a big pot of chili is a no brainer. I love chili; it's hearty, a little spicy and gives me an excuse to also eat a bunch of bread (gotta sop up the juice with something, right?)

For this particular chili, which was literally tonight's dinner, I decided to change things up a bit. I substituted Italian turkey sausage instead of ground beef, and threw in a can of white kidney beans along with the typical red beans, just for kicks.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Lightly Crusted Tilapia: It's What's for Dinner

I absolutely love tilapia; in fact, it's typically my go-to-pick when creating a recipe using whitefish. Tilapia is light, mild, never "fishy" and best of all, it's pretty cheap! 

I have used tilapia in the background of several dishes, like fish stew or fish tacos, but sometimes you just have a hankerin' for a nice fish filet as the main headliner. Using a minimal amount of ingredients, and paired with a simple vegetable, this lightly battered and pan-fried fish tastes great, looks impressive and is pretty quick and easy to prepare.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Egg Bagels: What the Angels Eat for Breakfast (Because They're Quick & Delicious... and Angels are BUSY!)

Looking for a quick, simple, delicious, satisfying, stay-with-you-all-morning-but-won't-weigh-you-down kinda breakfast? Yeah, I was too. Until I put bagels and eggs and brie and capers together - and my brain exploded.

I'm obsessed with capers and brie. Obsessed. If capers and brie were a celebrity couple, I would be their number one stalker. I'm not kidding, with restraining orders and everything. We'd be tabloid gold.

But thankfully capers and brie are just simple food items, and in real life, I'm not that creepy. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Virgin Mary Shelf: Turning Random Stuff into Decor!

The Virgin Mary Shelf. Um... what??

Two years ago my husband and I moved into a quaint suburban neighborhood where all of the little brick homes and manicured lawns look exactly same. Shortly after moving in, we discovered that our neighborhood was built in the early 1960s and that all of the original inhabitants were either Italian or Polish and, like, REALLY Catholic.

Hence, the Virgin Mary Shelf… or at least, that’s what I call it. We noticed this little effigy hidey-hole on our first tour of the home with our realtor. When the realtor pointed it out, I said under my breath, “…and this is where they kept The Blessed Mother…” – and I’ve been calling it the Virgin Mary Shelf ever since. For two years I’ve decorated my walls, my mantle and anywhere else I could place décor, but this little area has remained empty. For two years I've been staring at this odd and off-putting space wondering WHAT IN THE WORLD to do with it. I was at a loss.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ground Turkey vs. Ground Beef: Who's the Boss?

My dad after finishing the Warrior Dash. He's pretty awesome.

My dad is an all-American man’s man, lover of sports, hunting, fishing and all other things manly. When it comes to food, Dad is a carnivore and the man loves himself some red meat. Eating with my pops growing up was always a delicious time; he and I would get down on burgers, steaks, roasts, meatloaf… if it mooed, we ate it!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Get the Whole Family Cooking with Flat Bread Pizzas!

Whipping up flat bread pizza is a quick and easy way to make some seriously satisfying chow. In this version, I used Stonefire Naan flat bread (I get them at Costco), topped the breads with just vegetables (didn't feel like cooking up any meat!) and used cheddar cheese, because it just so happened to be the only cheese I had in my frig that night. The best thing about creating your own mini-pizzas is you can use whatever toppings you like or just whatever you have on hand! Don't want to use flat bread? You can also use bagels, french bread cut in half, English muffins, croissants... whatever you like best will work!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

My Trashy Rainbow Fence

When I said my fence was "trashy" what I meant was...

I am a firm believer that one person’s junk can literally be another person’s treasure. I make driving through my neighborhood on garbage night a regular activity - and I'm not too proud to share that on the Internet! My husband and I live in a really cute suburban neighborhood and sometimes I just can't believe the stuff people throw out! Some of the furniture in my house that receives the most compliments by guests are items I have rescued from the side of the road. We garbage-pickers know that all you need is hot soapy water, some good spray paint or wood stain and you've got yourself a great looking and unique décor item that will be noticed by everyone (and it was free!)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Simple Spinach and Cheddar Quiche Using All ALDI Ingredients!

Looking for a great quality, low cost meal to serve during the week and impress the heck out of your family? Or how about a dish to take on your next brunch date to impress the heck out of your friends? Either way, we know you'll enjoy our Simple Spinach and Cheddar Quiche, which uses ingredients from ALDI, requires you to dirty only one bowl and tastes so good!

Why ALDI is the best grocery store ever. (Seriously!)

(Photo from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)

Grocery Store Research – That Busy Girl Attempts to Unlock the Mystery that is ALDI.

Last summer, my husband and I were fortunate enough to take a two week trip to Ireland. We certainly did our fair share of eating out but in order to stretch the budget, we also purchased some food at grocery stores. It was during our first grocery store experience in Dublin that I discovered something that surprised me – the grocery store was set up just like my local ALDI. In fact, all of the grocery stores we visited while touring Ireland were set up like my local ALDI. I doubted it was a coincidence, so when we got back to the states, I decided to dig a little deeper.